Saturday, October 26, 2013

Book Sales and Bagpipes

Greetings, fellow readers! There are few things in life that will get me out of bed at five o'clock on a Saturday morning--I am a college student, after all--but the semi-annual Friends of the Library book sale in Gainesville is one of them. This was my third time going to the book sale, but my first time camping out in line to get in. I went with my friends Alex and Ashlyn, and we began by fortifying ourselves with Dunkin' Donuts coffee and breakfast sandwiches. We left campus at 5:30 AM and got to the book sale an hour before sunrise. As we waited for the doors to open, we chatted and shivered under a nest of blankets and quilts.

By 8:30, a sizable queue snaked along the driveway and around the block. We stretched our muscles, stiff from sitting on the cold ground, and started planning which tables to visit first once we got inside.

Finally, the doors opened, and we rushed into the building to the tune of "Scotland the Brave," courtesy of a local bagpiper. I went straight to the science fiction section, then looped around to literature and topped off my stack with a Spanish edition of Shakespeare's sonnets (yes, I can read Spanish, for those of you pondering the utility of such a book.)
 I think this stack will make a nice addition to my ever-growing library, which is now nearing 700 volumes. And now, dear readers, if you'll excuse me, the rest of my Saturday is booked: I have a lot of reading to do!

Until next time,


P.S. If you haven't been to the book sale and want to go, don't despair! It's going on through Wednesday, and there's a ten cent day where all books go for a dime. I highly recommend you take a trip downtown, if you can; this fall's selection is really good.

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