Speaking of comics, I'd like to take this opportunity to mention what excellent procrastination aids they are. Whenever I sit down to study or write, there comes a time when my brain reaches what I like to call "critical mass," aka the point where it's so flipping stuffed with information that it's like an engorged Christmas goose ready to spew the contents of its belly all over the feasting table.
At this point, I have to take a break (for my mental health, of course). I don't want to read a Fun Book because the amount of required reading I've completed at this point has not only shattered my concentration, but also scattered the fragments far and wide across the universe, so much so that "reading" at this juncture mostly consists of me looking at pages full of words for an hour without comprehending anything that's going on.
Enter comics. They're just short enough that my poor fractured consciousness can handle them, and just funny enough that they actually make my head hurt a teensy bit less. The beauty of comics is that by breaking up my Fun Reading into short, manageable episodes, they actually make me read a greater volume of material than I would if I sat down with a novel. I feel about comics the way the xkcd guy (sorry dude, not sure if you have a name) feels about spinny desk chairs.
As we know from the old Lay's potato chips commercials, it's impossible to read just one comic. Inevitably, I end up clicking the "random" button on xkcd, and before I know it, 45 minutes have gone by. I do not, however, believe that reading comics while studying falls under the category of Time Wasted. As someone close to me once said, time you enjoy wasting is time well spent. Well, I enjoy wasting my homework time with comics, and to all of you suffering from similar midterm pains, I offer this list of my favorites. Have fun!
Until next time,
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