Monday, October 27, 2014

Book Sale Weekend

Greetings, fellow readers! This past weekend was a very exciting one for me, as it coincided with the fall Friends of the Library sale here in Gainesville. I went with Jordan and David (friends from Shakespeare in the Park), and we camped out in the early morning under a hastily improvised blanket/tent, waiting to enter the Gates of Literary Glory.

This semester's haul was probably my best yet--I got lots of old poetry books with leather bindings and all the books in the I, Claudius series for Allison, my Latinist roommate. I think my favorite book was the poetry and prose of Ernest Dowson from the 1930's. Some other good finds were Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy in an omnibus edition, as well as the sequel to the trilogy; The Children of Hurin to add to my Tolkien collection;  and a bunch of the Miss Read Penguin Classics. That's one of my favorite book series, and it's next to impossible to find it in the U.S., so I was very glad to have spotted them before they were snatched up.

It's going to take me a while to get through all of these--schoolwork is creating quite the backlog--but I will post reviews as I begin to read. For now, some pictures:

I found I, Claudius!

Jordan and David reading a guide to food and wine we found for $3

A close up of the food and wine shot

My feet, walking to the book sale
Until next time,


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